Automated real-time web domain monitoring

Zen’s CyberCheck solution is a passive-service providing automated real-time web-domain monitoring to help your business against potential phishing, hacking and ransomware threats


Why choose CyberCheck® from Zen?


CyberCheck® - phishing, hacking and ransomware detection

Monitor and detect phishing, hacking & ransomware attacks against your business with CyberCheck®

Cost-effective defence against prevalent cyber security threats

  • Detect some of the top cyber threats impacting businesses such as phishing, hacking and ransomware
  • Advice and awareness to promote better cyber hygiene
  • Alerts and recommendations are provided in non-technical wording and easy to follow steps


  • Phishing attacks are the number one threat vector
  • Over 95% of successfully executed system intrusions start with a Phish
  • Phishing attacks also affect the supply chain
  • Identification and rapid removal are the most effective tools to stop active attacks
  • Cyber hygiene and basic awareness are the most effective counter measures
phishing envelope


  • 95% of successful hacking attacks start with phished credentials
  • Hacked devices lead to intellectual property theft
  • Hacked businesses expose protected personal information (GDPR)
  • Hacked email accounts are the number one source of wire fraud
  • Hacking attacks also impact third-party services
hacking laptop skull


  • Ransomware attacks are devastating to a business
  • The cost of a ransomware attack can cost businesses £100,000+
  • Companies that fail to recover from a Ransomware attack often fold
  • Time to recovery is two weeks at best for most businesses
  • Once a Ransomware attack is detected it is already too late to stop it
Padlocked computer ransomware

Powered by Cyjax

Zen have partnered with Cyjax to provide our customers with a cost-effective security solution. Cyjax helps companies build effective threat intelligence solutions to tackle the ever-growing number of digital threats that organisations and people face today.

cyjax logo

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